Monday, September 26, 2011

Brevity: The Soul of Wit

As someone who loves writing, humor, and humorous writing, words captivate me.

There is so much power in a thought, which becomes an idea, crystallized through a word. It has the power to heal or kill; to comfort or distress; to make you smile or cry. Some people use them on blogs with very few readers to try and generate a laugh.

Some people.

Brevity is the soul of wit. I have heard this quote used often in discussions about humor.

Brevity is certainly not my strong suit. I am known for rambling, going off on tangents and just generally talking to hear the sound of my own voice, yet, somewhere the reader finds humor (not here though, this is serious business).

This is what fascinates me: when correctly applied and considered, words can be the strongest tool for humor. When careless about them, unneeded words are an anchor tied around the neck of a joke.

Anyways, I was just thinking about how funny it is that the quote is the way it is, when 'Brevity: the soul of wit' is so much... punchier.

...I apologize for nothing.

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